August 3, 2010
August 2, 2010
Mouse 30 rare top
大好評を頂いているMouse 30モデルですが、スペシャルなお知らせです☆
Mouse 30用のまた珍しいメイプルトップを発見してきました☆
同じ "angle wing"パターンのマッチングヘッドストックとなります。
August 1, 2010
July 31, 2010
PlimSoul Reviews
Art Thompson of Guitar Player Magazine (7/20/2010)
"I haven’t heard anything that sounds and feels so much like an amp. . .
No harshness whatsoever, and I love the sustain and tone with the Stage 2 knob cranked”
Sony Landreth #0003 (7/7/2010)
"wow, sounds GREAT, this may be your Masterpiece."
after Canadian gig with the PlimSoul using rented backline Twin:
"man, the pedal sounds & feels great! I know that Twin never sounded so stellar...can't wait to use it with my"fly rig."