October 31, 2006

今月の愛聴CD - Oct 2006

1) Led Zeppelin - III (1970)
これ最高! "Out On The Tiles"のこのグルーブはスゴい!

2) Elvis Presley - Elvis 30 #1 Hits

3) Johnny Winter - A Rock n` Roll Collection
1987年にLAで初めてみたライブがJohnny Winter@The Palace/Hollywoodでした。

October 27, 2006


左から"Nickel" " Brass" そして" Heavy Duty 24K Gold Plated Buckle"


October 24, 2006

Fulltone - Guitar Cable



(email received 5/20/06
Hey Mike and crew, just wanted to write to tell you that I'm using your cable exclusively now, and couldn't be happier. I've been a long-time user of Mogami, and more recently, Lava and Evidence cables, but as soon as I plugged into one of your gold standards, I sold all my other cabling and haven't looked back once. Where the (insert name) and evidence seemed to rob me of all my mids, and the mogami just didn't have much umph in the lows, yours is completely balanced across the spectrum, and seems to accentuate the frequencies most desireable to the human ear. I've worked in a studio for quite a while, and we all looked at spectrographs of the different cables, and were all equally amazed at the gold standards. I just wanted to say thanks to you Mike for making these amazing cables, and I wondered if you'll ever consider making patch cables as well. I'm currently using George L's, but I'd love to have all gold standards in my pedal board.
I can't wait till my fulldrive mosfet arrives!!


email received 4/14/06:

"Wow! I'm quite amazed how much better your gold standard cables sound
that my other high end cables. I tested a few of my cables against
yours and found that a 15' Fulltone cable sounds quite a bit better
(louder, a bit fuller and more open sounding) than even a 5' "top shelf"
planet waves cable. I've been quite enjoying your OCD pedal and it's
really quite remarkable how much gain is available it that box. Thanks
for making good stuff."

(name witheld)

If it makes you feel better to spend $100 bucks+ on a cable...be my guest, but you're not getting a better sounding or a better lasting Cable than my Gold StandardTM.

Cables have a way of putting their own unique stamp on your sound and they do all sound just a little bit different from one another. Some have too much Highs, some not enough, while others have tremendous Bottom-end, at the same time sounding flat and lifeless! Fulltone's Gold Standard™ low-capacitance cables with Gold-Plated ends keep the higher frequencies intact over longer lengths of cord without sounding shrill. Having said that, a cable that passes more Highs and Lows does not necessarily result in a cable that sounds best for guitar and bass applications, as evidenced by the many expensive cables you may have tried and rejected! I designed the Fulltone Gold Standard™ specifically for guitarists and bassists, choosing all materials (oxygen-free copper, shield, etc.), construction methods, and plating for a sound not only strong in Lows and Highs, but also rich in the Mid frequencies where all the complex overtones lie, a crucial area often overlooked by other "premium" cables. Fulltone cables are also built to outlast you, and I'm confident enough in their construction to offer a "Limited Lifetime Replacement Warranty." Translation: If it fails and it's our fault, you get a new one....on me....forever.

>> Guitar Player Magazine raved about it in their Dec 2005 writeup <<

"The Gold Standard does sound bigger and, dare I say, fuller than the other cables I compared it to. It also seems louder (probably due to its ability to pass signal more easily), and even my cables that were considerably shorter didn't measure up to the Gold Standard's rich, meaty sound.."

October 22, 2006

Loud,isn`t it ?

Real LIVECDを買うと、直筆サインを書いて送ってくれます。




October 21, 2006

Frank Marino Live !

Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush ! 

昨年発表された2枚組ライブアルバムと同様 "Voodoo Child"から始まった13年ぶり(当然前回も観ました)というLos AngelesでのFrank Marino & Mahogany Rushのショウ。ハリウッドから北西に101フリーウェイを飛ばして40分くらいでThe Canyon Clubに到着。入り口に向かって歩いていると、丁度始まったようで開けっ放しの巨大な入り口のドアからギターの音が爆音で漏れてきていて「ohhhhhh man,,,」 足早に入場です♪ (因に$20)


正直,最初の1分20秒で完全にノックアウトされてしまいました! :) ラウドなんてもんじゃない!しかもあれだけの爆音でありながらバンドの音のバランスは完璧で聴きごたえ充分。ギターのサウンドはクリーンからエフェクトがかかったサウンドまで 私がずっと聴きまくってきた1978年に発表されたライブ盤そのまま。素晴らしいトーン!


" Red House "とか"Cross Road"とかのブルースもやるんだけど、脱帽っ!参りました!この19年間LAでいろいろ観て来たけどやはり"本物のギタリスト"には誰もかなわない。もの凄くセンスの良いプレイでテイスティー、彼独特の世界がギター一本で奏でられるのである。私、一から出直します。。。^^);





観に来ていた人の約半数は40~50代と思われる男のファン。ステージに食いついて観ているファンも多く 30年前のFrank Marinoの全盛期を体験した人達だろうなーっと見回していると丁度私のすぐ横にいた人にハグしているジョンサイクスと遭遇。帰り際には このクラブの外観をブログ用に写真に撮ろうと思っていたら目の前にポールギルバートがいたし。やっぱり皆ファンなのね。 :)



最初のMCで「13年ぶりだよ! しばらく誰も呼んでくれなかったからさぁ。こんなに集まってくれてありがとう。今日はジャムるんで長くなるけど楽しんでいってね」と言っていた通り、後半はジャム!弾きまくり! サポートギタリストは(めちゃ巧い)ヴァイオリンまで持ち出して来てインプロバイズ始めるし。ギターとドラムだけでのインプロビゼイションのジャムも壮絶で、いつになったら一曲が終わるんだろ?って感じでした。 :)


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