September 27, 2007

Bogner Userさんの日記より





エフェクターは8年前からずっと使っているFulltoneのFulldrive 2です。当時はこの手のエフェクターはまだ珍しく値段的にも一大決心が必要なくらい高かったのを覚えています。今では自分が店頭でこれ売ってますがまさかこんな立場になるとは8年前には考えてもしなかったです。



September 24, 2007

Van Halen rehearsal 映像!


Van Halen Rehearsal

興奮して完全にギターキッズ化したザックワイルドがステージに上がろうとして Daveに『Are you in Show biz ? get off the fuckin stage (ショウビジネスの人間か?ステージから降りろよ!』と言われてるのには爆笑!! まさにDaveらしいジョークだし。

続きを読む "Van Halen rehearsal 映像!"

September 21, 2007

Van Halen rehearsal by LUKE

ルカサー師匠らしいレビューに大爆笑っ! 期待入るよね〜♪

I went to Van Halen's dress rehearsal last night with Trev and man, they are BACK! Unreal. It brought us back to 1978 when rock was real! They only do the "Dave years" (David Lee Roth) and the set list is a wish list. Ed is playin great, Alex is awesome, and Wolfie (Eddie's son) is killin it, hitting all the high notes and the band grooves like never before and Dave is back. Singing great looking great and that old VH humour was apparent and they looked like they were havin a blast. Get tickets if ya can. I know it's sold out but shit it was great to hear REAL rock n roll played by awesome players not that MTV power chord -every band sounds the same- pro tooled shit, they have been shoving down out that for years now. Hope this sends a message to the mediocrity out there!


続きを読む "Van Halen rehearsal by LUKE"

September 20, 2007

Van Halen rehearsal by Scott Ian


I went to see Van Halen rehearse last night. They were fucking amazing (ear-boners).

Seriously, the hair on my arms was standing up. Dave sang great, Eddie was shredding, Alex is a fucking monster and Wolf was perfect. Great on bass and hit every high note. The set list was 2 1/2 hours of the best shit. I'm The One, Atomic Punk, Romeo Delight, Somebody Get Me A Doctor, Mean Street, Unchained and so many more. Do whatever you gotta do to get tix to see this. FINALLY!!!!! A real full blown arena rock act!!!!! It's like listening to the soundtrack of America since 1978. THE KINGS ARE BACK!!!!!!!

September 17, 2007

Workout Mishap

Workout Mishap

余談- このBGM 懐かしい曲〜!このソロパートはルカサー師匠による素晴らしく歌い上げている極上のプレイです♬

New 832  833  834  835  836  837  838  839  840  841  842
837 / 933
