I have been playing guitar in bands for the last 30 years or so,
and have always been a 100% valve purist: Valve pre and power amp as a must!!!
I have tried all manner of amps over the years, Marshall, Peavey, Mesa etc...
but was always happiest with a pure Marshall valve tone.
I went over to a rack set up some years ago, again tried everything,
but ended up with a Marshall pre amp, and Marshall power amp fitted once again.
I recently purchased an Axe FX, dubious that it could match a valve tone....
How wrong I was! Amazing piece of kit,
and was using it with my Marshall EL34 50/50 power amp.
However, I became aware of the MATRIX amps that everyone was talking about,
and the claim that they sound like a valve amp, were really small and lightweight...
again I was very dubious having tried a lot of SS amps over the years,
and none of them sounded any good in a guitar rig at all.
I therefore dismissed the claims for a while, but curiosity got the better of me
in the end so I arranged to visit MATRIX to try an amp out.
Have to say, the level of service I received was quite remarkable,
and a refreshing change to some of the service levels I have had
from other amp manufactures over recent years.
I tried out the Matrix GT1000FX and was totally amazed
at the well rounded valve type tone that this little lightweight amp could produce...
again, I had been wrong to assume SS could not sound round
and warm like a valve amp....
Very wrong indeed! Needless to say, my old 14U rig,
is now only a 4U and can be carried in one hand in and out of gigs,
and without the hassle and maintenance involved with a fragile valve set up.
I can assure you that my live sound is EXACTLY the same
as it was when it was 100% valve,
and the MATRIX amp still really amazes me every night with its sound.
Thank you MATRIX guys....
And if you know anyone who wants to buy a lot of old unused valve gear...
let me know :o) lol