Matrix/GT1000FX 2U

"From the moment I pulled the GT1000FX 2U out of the box
it was clear how well built it was. It is light weight, only 4.1kg
which is a bonus from a touring point of view...
but most of all it is a pretty damn fine machine.
It matches my Fractal Axe FX II down to the ground.
It's loud, literally no noise or hiss even at high volumes
and it's very responsive, transparent, and loose feeling like a tube amp!!
I'm yet to feel any heat coming out of it thanks to the fan fitted on the back
which does it's job as it is meant to
(most amps are noisy and over heat even when fitted with two fans!!!).
I am looking forward to bring this on the road with Xerosun,
and look forward even more to not hearing the crew moaning
about their backs being put out ;)
A job well done Matrix, Jeffs-Xerosun"